PMD Films was founded on April 20th 1997 in New York as a successor of Laterna Entertainment by Friedrich Karl Philipp Müller-Dorn. Laterna Entertainment has introduced itself to the US independent film market in the early mid-nineties.
After the 20-Minute Shortfilm 'Kissing the Muse' in the year 1997 'PMD Films' began preparation for its first feature film: the comedic thriller 'Getting Real'. It was the official selection at the 1999 'Saguaro Film Festival' in Arizona and was shown
at Arthouse Movie-Theatres in New York and Berlin.
In January 2000 PMD Films relocated from New York to Berlin.
PMD Films produced the independent drama 'eMANcipation' in 2010/2011, which was shown at over 20 film festivals around the world and has won 14 Awards so far and is available as DVD on
and to stream on Apple TV, Amazon Video, Google Play
and Microsoft Store as well as Vudu (US & Canada).
Recently the Screenplay 'Bunkmates' has won the Grand Prize at the Screenplay Competition at the LONDON FILM AWARDS and the GOLD Award at the
Hollywood Screenplay Contest and is currently in development.
PMD Films is currently seeking distribution for 'Smalltown Funk Girls'
a Girlpower Roadtrip Coming-of-Age comedy
and is completing post-production for the fantasy drama 'The Lost Dragonfly'
that was shot in March and April 2024 in Birkenwerder.
or eMANcipation (English title) is an award winning drama written and directed by Philipp Müller-Dorn.
It has been presented at 20 film festivals and won over 14 international awards.
Watch on Apple TV or Amazon Video
Watch the TEASER. TRAILER or the
or buy it on Amazon.
a romantic comedy written in 2023 by Philipp Müller-Dorn, about a wedding planer that has to keep bride's and groom's friend and relatives separated during the ceremonies in order to hide an embarrassing secret.
Currently in development.
a mafia-movie spoof written in 2021 by Philipp Müller-Dorn, about the stoner-slacker Josh gets mistaken for Mafia hit man and through a series of misunderstandings and human inadequacies rises up the mafia ranks.
Currently in development.
The Supermarket
a coming of age drama currently in the early planning stage.
"They were six, in their early twenties, and they were looking for something exciting to do at 2 AM in Suburbia. Ready to break in and enter the local supermarket, each of them knew: it would be a night they would never forget and a once in a lifetime experience."
The Supermarket is available for the Kindle. (Free with an Amazon Prime Account)
a comedy buddy feature film written in 2019 by
Philipp Müller-Dorn & Elizabeth Spear.
Bunkmates has won the Gold Award at the
Hollywood Screenplay Contest and the
Grand Prize at the London Film Awards.
is psychological fantasy drama feature film.
Om a young urban professional is sparring with modern day social media and its communications (or lack thereof) and the resulting sentiments of discouragement, despondency and desperation.
Written and directed by Philipp Müller-Dorn, starring newcomer-talent Anneke Schätzle and with renowned DoP Jonathan Heidrich behind the Alexa 35, 'The Lost Dragonfly' is currently in post-production and was shot in March and April 2024 in Birkenwerder.
is a Girl-power, Roadtrip, Coming-of-Age Feature Film. A simple delivery turns into an adventurous, exciting and life-changing roadtrip. Smalltown Funk Girls was shot in July and August of 2022. Written and directed by Philipp Müller-Dorn and photographed by Nuno Martini,
starring Yassmine Othman, Florentine Zettl & Leah Lavinia. 'Smalltown Funk Girls' is currently seeking distribution.
a revenge drama written in 2023 by Philipp Müller-Dorn, about Jane, a disgruntled ex-cultmember who takes revenge on years of abuse in the 'organisation'.
Currently in development. .
the ifab trailer
the official commercial trailer for the ifab Film Festival. Concept by Philipp Müller-Dorn, Mathias Geck,
Annett Müller-Dorn, Opher Rudolphson.
Directed by Philipp Müller-Dorn. Watch the ifab-TRAILER
is a horror film written by Philipp Müller-Dorn & Elizabeth Spear.
Killer App was the official selection of the Los Angeles Filmfest Screenplay Competition.
It has recently won the Star Awards at the
International Horror Hotel festival in Ohio, USA .
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Berlin Office:
PMD Films
14052 Berlin, Germany
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Name der Firma: PMD Films UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Sitz der Firma: Berlin GF: Philipp Müller-Dorn
Registerort: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg Registernummer: HRB 126810 B
Gegenstand des Unternehmens: Film- & Fernsehproduktion
Steuernummer: 27/425/02438
Gestaltung & Konzeption: Philipp Müller-Dorn
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